It wasn't until I took college courses in history that I actually began to enjoy the subject. For a short while, I wanted to major in history. This book clarified why I HATED history as a subject in high school.
Loewen points out a number of outright lies that plague the teaching of American history. Did you know Helen Keller was a socialist? I didn't! Christopher Columbus was a scum bag? Well, he was. I think this book is especially relevant considering all that's been going on in Texas recently. The truth is, American history rarely teaches what students should really be learning, such as critical thinking, while students spend hours learning lists of facts and dates.
Please read this book if you've ever taken an American history class in the U.S., and especially read it if that was your last history class. There are so many things we are not taught about or glossed over or censored, it's truly embarrassing. At least Texas is doing all of this openly.
"Only in history is accuracy so political" (333).
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