Few books are so enthralling, so well written as to keep me up all night and to fill my eyes with tears once finished. This book is a love letter: to literature, to writing, to Barcelona. If you are in love with any of these things, you will love this book. It was hard to read at times because I would become so sentimental thinking of Barcelona and how much I missed the Great Enchantress. Ruiz Zafón describes the many neighborhoods and streets of Barcelona so vividly that at times I would have to stop and look at photos to remember the alleyways I had forgotten.
When I first arrived home in California from Barcelona, I had one of the most vivid dreams of my life. I saw the city of Barcelona, and the waves of the Mediterranean slowly rising. The tides rose across the city and water began to overfill the streets. I saw the entire city flood, covered deep in water. A voice told me that the city was my memories; the water, time.
I felt a number of emotions reading this book, ranging from joy to melancholy to utter sadness. I miss Barcelona and this book took me back there. It was a difficult journey, but I certainly do not regret it.
i just wanted to say i love this post!